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Goat icon



The Clan of the Goat. When it comes to surviving in the dangerous conditions and building sturdy settlements, the Clan of the Goat has no rival. They will endure the harshest of winters and even prosper. Self-sufficient survivalists, they work hard to make the most of every inch of their territory. Adaptable and resilient, they will be right at home on Northgard.

The biggest advantage lies in the unrivaled ability to prosper with only little space available. Enhancing any areas with cheap extra building space and buildings that are able to occupy an extra worker can create by far the strongest economy among all the clans. Further enhanced by the option to trade away excess Food Food for massive Kröwns Kröwns income.

Starting Bonuses

  • Start with 1 Sheep Sheep and can build two Sheepfolds.
  • Your clan gets 20% more production through feasts.

Fame Bonuses

  • Fame 200 Fame : Shepherd
Gives 2 free Sheep Sheeps. You can have an additional Sheepfold Sheepfold and their Food Food production is increased by +10%.
  • Fame 500 Fame : Team Work
You gain 1 free Feast per year.
Your units regenerate during feasts.

Lore Lore Tree

Sharp Axes

Your Woodcutter Woodcutters will produce 20% more Wood Wood.

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Spare Tools

Tool improvement for Farmer Farmers, Hunter Hunters and Fisherman Fishermen costs no Kröwns Kröwns or Iron Iron, and forging time for those tools is divided by 2.

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Costs -50% to develop a zone. Periodically, a sheepfold containing 2 Sheep Sheeps makes a new Sheep appear.

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Upgraded buildings producing Food Food and Happiness Happiness can be assigned an additional Villager villager.


Increases your Healer Healer's healing speed by 50%.


Reduces extra Wood Firewood consumption during winter by 50% and reduce winter Food Food penalty by 20%.

Shiny Happy People

-20% required Happiness Happiness based on your population.


Increases all your military units' attack power by 20%.

Fur Coats

Your units no longer have reduced power during winter.

Defensive Strategy

Increases you civilians' attack and your Defense Tower Defense Towers' resistance by 30%.

Military Strategy

Military units gain +5% attack for each type of friendly military unit in the zone (max +25%).

Feeling Safe

Gain +3 Happiness Happiness if you have a Warchief Warchief and +1 Happiness Happiness per upgraded military camp.

Legendary Heroes

Improves your Warchief Warchief's attack and defense by 25%.

Monster Slayer

Improves your military units' attack by 10% against DragonkinDraconic units and by 30% against other mystical creatures. Also increases Military Experience Military Experience gains by 50% for each mystical creature killed.

Mining Efficiency

Miner Miners extract Stone Iron ore from deposits 30% faster.


Unlocks the Lighthouse Lighthouse.
Increases Sailor Sailors' resource production by 25%.


Your TradingRoutesTrade Routes produce +100% Kröwns Kröwns.
Your Merchant Merchants will produce 20% more Kröwns Kröwns.

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Wool Trade

Sheep Sheeps in Sheepfold Sheepfold earn you +0.5 Kröwns Kröwns. Sheep Sheeps can be sacrificed for 40 Kröwns Kröwns.

Carpentry Mastery

Reduces your buildings' upgrade costs by 20%.
Reduces upkeep from upgraded buildings by 20%.


Reduces prices on the Marketplace Marketplace by 50% and stock replenishment is 20% faster.

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Food Trade

Trading food via Trade Routes' gives +50% Kröwns Kröwns and +70% on tiles with a natural food source. Trade routes with Jötunn Jötunns earn you +50% more relationship.


Eldhrumnir Eldhrumnir : +20% Feast Feast bonus, -50% Feast Feast cost. Your units regenerate health during a Feast Feast. You can build an additional Sheepfold.


Story Campaign

In the story campaign, the Heidrun clan is led by an elderly bannerman named Halvard. A wise and kind-hearted man, he focuses on the survival of his people. He abhors senseless violence, but is not against resorting to it when provoked. He seems to be knowledgeable, as he was familiar with mystical creatures he and his allies encountered at Northgard which most believed to be either myth or rare.


In "conquest" mode, all clans play a series of 11 maps. The first, middle, and last maps in the sequence give hard-coded, clan-specific bonuses; the other maps randomly generate generic bonuses (which may or may not affect clan-specific units/buildings). The special bonuses for this individual clan are as follows:

  • Start with 3 Sheep instead of 1.
  • You start with the Defensive Strategy knowledge. +100% on Defensive Strategy bonuses.
  • Feasts last 2 months instead of 1.

Other Clans
